Microcontroller and RF
Transmitter PLL in a Single QFN24 5 mm ?/SPAN> 5 mm Package (Pitch 0.65 mm)
= 429 MHz to 439 MHz
"  Temperature Range 40?/SPAN>C to +85?/SPAN>C
"  Supply Voltage 2.0V to 4.0V Allowing Usage of Single Li-cell Power Supply
"  Low Power Consumption
Active Mode: Typical 9.8 mA at 3.0V and 4 MHz Microcontroller-clock
Power-down Mode: Typical 200 nA at 3.0V
"  Modulation Scheme ASK/FSK
"  Integrated PLL Loop Filter
"  Output Power of 7.5 dBm at 433.92 MHz
"  Easy to Design-in Due to Excellent Isolation of the PLL from the PA and Power Supply
"  Single-ended Antenna Output with High Efficient Power Amplifier
"  Very Robust ESD Protection: HBM 2500V, MM100V, CDM 1000V
"  High Performance, Low Power AVR 8-bit Microcontroller, Similar to Popular ATtiny44
"  Well Known and Market-accepted RISC Architecture
"  Non-volatile Program and Data Memories
4 KBytes of In-system Programmable Program Memory Flash
256 Bytes In-system Programmable EEPROM
256 Bytes Internal SRAM
"  Programming Lock for Self-programming Flash Program and EEPROM Data Security
"  Peripheral Features
Two Timer/Counter, 8- and 16-bit Counters with Two PWM Channels on Both
10-bit ADC
On-chip Analog Comparator
Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator
Universal Serial Interface (USI)
"  Special Microcontroller Features
debugWIRE On-chip Debug System
In-system Programmable via SPI Port
External and Internal Interrupt Sources
Pin Change Interrupt on 12 Pins
Enhanced Power-on Reset Circuit
Programmable Brown-out Detection Circuit
Internal Calibrated Oscillator
On-chip Temperature Sensor
"  12 Programmable I/O Lines
1.   General Description
The ATA8742 is a highly flexible programmable transmitter containing the AVR micro-
controller ATtiny44V and the UHF PLL transmitters a small QFN24 5 mm ?5 mm
package. This device is a member of a transmitter family covering several operating
frequency ranges, which has been specifically developed for the demands of RF
low-cost data transmission systems with data rates of up to 32 kBit/s. Its primary appli-
cations are in the areas of industrial/aftermarket Remote Keyless-Entry (RKE)
systems, alarm, telemetering, energy metering systems, home automotion/entertain-
ment and toys. The ATA8742 can be used in the frequency band of f
= 433 MHz for
ASK or FSK data transmission.